Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas Party 2007

Was spectacular; but Stephanie wasn't there. /: Get better soon, Stephanie! We're all praying for you dearrrr! :) GOD WILL HEAL YOU! YES. Choir people, GOOD JOB!! JOHNNY, GOOD JOB! Eric. The skit went great, no matter if some things didn't work out. Thanks for bringing that idea up. ^_^ The message touched my heart. I had some tears. Good work!! & of course! THANKS FOR PUTTING THIS EVENT TOGETHER MQ!!! YOU ROCK!! ^^ <3


Guppy is leaving for a month or so. =( Pray for her safety. WE LOVE YOU GUPPY & CAN'T WAIT UNTIL YOU COME BACK TO US NEXT YEAR!!!!! HAVE FUN IN TAIWAN & JAPAN! SAY HI TO YOUR SISTERS FOR US! (even though they might not know us .. haha) WE'LL MISS YOU!! <3


p.s. I'll give you your present once you come back. I didn't have time to get it. /: Sworries!


Sarah Wang said...

Steph is totally healed the next day u know!!??? xD
God is totally awesome!!
Go read her blog! :)

See you tomorrow night!!! (or is it tonight? lol) Can't wait~!


the Invaders said...

let's meet up and discuss over the conference and new friends at Christmas party...