Thursday, December 6, 2007


This is starting to get boring.

Did my essay until 1:30 am & I have a biology exam in an hour and 40 minutes. I am so going to sleep when I get home, depending on whether I have assignments to do for nutrition & psychology. If I do, POOOOOOOOP.

p.s;; my eyes are red.


johnny said...

Sounds like fun! Why boring?! Yeah totally got cha. both my crazy roommates haven't slept at all for a day now. They basically live in the library which is opened 24/7. Keep up the good work of not-sleeping!

Sarah Wang said...

no problem jazzy pants!
you can always call me when you are bored... no matter if its 4 in the morning or during the day. (if i'm not in class)
i have been sleeping at early in the morning due to the tremendous amount of studies i need to accomplish. last night was the first night that i actually slept before sunrise. lol
got another exam this afternoon... needa get back to study :) see you laterz beautiful poet! <3
