Thursday, March 20, 2008

i hate bugs

had such a weird dream last night/this morning.
it was about this little creature that you'd think came from movies like robots or somethinng.
i dunno it was weird and scary. haha
IT WAS BIG. im exaggerating. bigger than any bug ive seen at least. haa.
it was very color and ran really fast. and in my dream i believe it was me, another girl, and a guy.
i really dont know who but i had a feeling it was alice or monay and allan.
haa fun. it ran around my room and in my dream, my room was pretty big.
reality, its not. ha. so we were like freaked out right? screaming and trying to like... get out of the bug's way. ooooh! and it like squeaks! like it tries to speak a little. kinda like that bad transformer robot. the weird looking spikey one hahaha. JUXBOX. i think. remember now?
anyway yeah. so i finally got to open my door and it ran out, into the restroom, then said
"need to get fresh air!" and ran back toward my room and i was like what the heck??
so i tried to close the door again and dang it was strong. i had to push with two arms just to try to close my door. so usually if you're pushing really hard and on the other side of the door the person like... nevermind thats stupid. ha. anyway! i tried to just like let go of the door so maybe the buglike thing would fly and hit the wall somewhere but it didnt! it came in.

damn. right? x)

so we rushed outside and i suppose allan forgot to close the door on it. (dangit my room!)
so it followed us out into the living room. my dad was watching television and asked us whats wrong. i was pulling on his arm and pointing at the buglike thing and said "THATS WHATS WRONG!" and he just stood up and went over to it. he kicked it a little and it kinda bounced back. then he did something. oh no what was it? x___x *thinks REALLLL hard* i think he like took something and stabbed it. or stepped on it really hard. either one i was like o_O hahaha. that part at least i believe i know what it meant. GOD PROTECTS US :]

wanna take a stab at this one? hahaha.

i hate bugs.
love, me.


Alice in Wonderland said...


oh my GOODNESS I was laughing SO HARD!!!

now I understand what they mean when they say writers are creative XD that was the most thrilling/scary/funny dream I've ever heard!!

"need to get fresh air!" ?? what the! hahahahahahahahahaha, that crazy bug is sooo random!!

oh jasmine i'm gonna reread this again...


*chokes* ugh i'm dying of excessive laughter!!!!

[joy B.] doveseye said...

bug huh?

johnny said...


Sarah Wang said...

i hate bugs too.. high 5!