Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I have a my first quiz tomorrow. I know that it doesn't seem like it's a big deal, but it is. Remember when I said that I'm not very good when it comes to math & science? (If I never told you, now you know.) Well.. we're required to use a scientific calculator. Obviously, right? I didn't need to say that, but whatevers. Anyways. I searched this morning for it, in my room. The last time I checked, it was in my room. At school, however, I called Kalong just to see if she still had it for some reason, but it turned out that she didn't have it. I was kind of discouraged, but not entirely. I was kind of in a hurry for school so I decided that I'd continue after I get home.

So when I got home, I decided to take my mind off of the scorching pain I had in my TWO arms because of the shots I got today by watching a funny movie. Afterwards, I thought to myself, "I can't hide from chemistry forever," so I decided to look for my calculator. I searched my room & even outside a little for a whole 20 minutes. As I was about to give up, or gave up, I helplessly bent down to turn on my table lights so I can see my worksheet better. When I looked away to yawn, I saw my name. I recognized it because it's the only thing that was on my calculator. I instantly knew it was my calculator. It was a miracle. The first thing that came out of my mouth was, "Oh Thank God! Thank You Jesus!" I even hugged my calculator. It was a weird moment.

Before I searched for it, I prayed like three times for me to find it. For it to be right in front of my eyes. At the end of my search, it was right in front of my eyes. It was funny 'cause I looked around that area already & I didn't see anything before AND my calculator was hidden! AMAZING RIGHT!? Praise God!



Cheezy said...

Wooo! So exciting! Finding stuff that you just couldn't find before. I'm not new to this and HALLELUJAH! Go go go! I hope you do well on your quizz! :B


the Invaders said...

i didn't have rice today...i can't sleep now..
the Lord is my shepherd i can sleep now...hmm...start counting sheep...one..two..three...

Ahh...Be a Shammah!

Sarah Wang said...

yay!! go calculator! i mean... go Jesus! xD have fun w math/science!
haha... it's ok. you got God. you won't be defeated! :) i bet God is good at these things cuz He basically created them... lol so yup! have a nice week!
