Sunday, January 27, 2008

Past 03 Days

January 25th:
Jill Austin was the first person I got to hear when I went to the Prophetic House of Prayer Conference on Friday. She talked about the "unusual combinations" because it's not just about the youngsters, it's also about the elders too! My own thought at that moment was that the celebrities should listen to Jill talk with all their problems and that they need God. Amen? She asked us, "Can you fly? Can you fly like Peter Pan?" Jill was cute. She responded to that question with a, "No. I'm going for it. Catch me if you can!" Her real message was "impartation." She made me think when she asked us this question, "Do you have something to die for?" In the middle, I got inspired. It's one of those half inspirations I sometimes get during conferences. Poem: This hunger, moves me from the inside/ It calls out to the one thing most important/ God, You shine like the bright morning sun/ And You're beautiful as the evening sunset/ This passion is calling to You./ Jesus, You're essentials in our lives./ Pour down on us the burning fire of Your heart/ We'll never stop loving You/ Your scent flows through the atmosphere/ It fills the air everywhere You go/ And I must say/ You smell is beautiful. Jill also reminded us of the two men that loved God the most; Moses and David. This really made me remember what Jack said last week about David and Moses (and today as well). Oh yeah. Sarah and I went near the stage when Jill asked us to do so, at least for the Asians. As she kept talking and praying, we kept praying to God. Suddenly I had this overwhelming feeling and I started crying so hard. Sarah was right next to me and she was crying so hard too. I just felt this pain. It was astonishing. I cried so much and nearly screamed loudly. NEARLY. I screamed, but not LOUD. There were people who did though. It was something you really had to see.

January 26th: Che Anh was the first person to speak after worship. He talked about the things we should pray for; such things as same sex marriages, abortion, SB777, and for our nation to get revival. There was something he said that caught my heart, even though it didn't really apply to me. He said, "Don't be sad that you're the first to save your family, start the chain." Amen, right?! Oh man, come on! Afterwards, was Che's son, Gabe. I would have to say that Gabe was the most inspiring I've ever heard before. What he did was so touching, it made me cry so much as I watched him. Gabe said, "It's not what you get at these conferences, it's what you do with it afterwards." That is so true. However, I didn't hear this at other conferences and I'm certain that Johnny will agree with me that this conference was different. It was a good difference. Gabe said that in his life, he was convicted because he didn't actually pray for revival for the nations right away. (hahaha! I messed up in my notebook so I had to see what I actually meant, my bad). Gabe mentioned about how revival comes with sacriface and it's true. "What are you willing to give up to see this nation get revival?" - Gabe. You must sacriface to see something happen. Something that's very important to you, would you be able to give it up for this nation to come to God? Oh man. That just shook my spirit so badly. I was crying. Gabe said something that made me think hard. Since you all know that my parents and I dont get along so easily and it felt like Gabe was pointing this out to me and the people at the conference that had the same type of issue. He said, "We need the elderly. We want to honor you." What Gabe did after saying that was the most touching thing I've ever seen at a conference or in my life. He asked the elderly speakers to come to the stage (including his father) and the younger speakers washed their feet. Alice, Sarah, Tiffa, and I were sitting there like "Oh my gosh!! *cries* Oh my gosh!!" or at least that's what I was doing. Gabe declared this, "By washing our parents' feet, we are going against abortion and saying to our parents, 'we honor you'."

We want God to ruin us. Did you know that God weeps for every baby that got aborted? He does. Gabe us Luke 15:11-32. It's a story we've heard a million times, I'm sure of it. It was about the son who sinned, came back, and his father welcomed his son back instead of yelling at him. I'm sure Jack has talked about this a lot of things too. YES YOU DO, JACK. I REMEMBER! God always sees us before our sins. There are two sons, the rebellious and the perfect son. The question is, "which one are you?" People would think that this story is about the sons, but it's really about the father. God, our father, is always going after you no matter if you're looking for him or not. The father in the story said to his perfect son, "Everything I have is yours, whenever you want it." That line was so meant to make people cry. I'm serious. It just catches your heart. We have to know our identities. We have the sons and daughters of God, Amen? Gabe had three points. 1. When we realize that God is our father and that we are his sons and daughters, the things we're going through aren't even difficult. 2. Receive His love. The thing is that God loved us first and that's why we love Him. Gabe told us about this one time his father bought him air jordans and he was so excited and happy and thankful that he never took it off. (Was funnier if you were there) Basically, when you receive His love, "PUT IT ON!" (joke). 3. Return. To swift & change. You can't actually repent until you know God's love for you. This reminded me of my resolution picture (2008). Then they showed a movie clip from Blood Diamond when the father finds his son and reminds him of who he really is. It was so touching, I KNOW for sure everyone in the auditorium was crying, ok? lol It was that touching. God and only God can define who we are.

Next up is Banning. Boy oh boy, was I excited to hear that Banning was talking at the conference that day. Tiffa and I wanted to go "YEA BANNING!" but couldn't. Pretty discouraging, but that's ok! Banning started off with 1 Samuel 14:8. It talked about Elijah and Elisha (however you spell the name). Then I remembered Jack talking about them. "The revival causes the prayer meetings" and children are the natural big dreamers. Then he gave us an example with his little daughter. It was funny and simple so that we could understand. The thing is, between childhood and being adults, we transgress into something called "reality." However though, God doesn't live in reality, Amen?? He is not intimidated by the fact that something hasn't been done before. Banning brought up the issue of how some churches don't even allow themselves to dream. That's a big no no. lol You don't have to live in reality. The next thing he said is my favorite line cause now I always use it, haha. He said, "If you want to change the world, you got to be a bit crazy, right?" He said that all the people who've changed the world, were a least bit crazy. None were not crazy, to say the least. Did that make sense? I dunno. This brings to something else, "Do something!" How could God use me to change the world? is another great question that was asked. He said something like that, "Ministry of encouragement was created along side the dreamers." Then he gave us Deuteronomy 3:28, 31:7. He said so many inspiring words. He said, "Be the one to put courage in others!" because that's what he wants to do.

He talked about Johnathan and how he encouraged David in his time of panic. We need courage! Amen! Then he also gave us Judges 20:20-22. You have to know how to reform your battle line when you face discouragement. That the fear of failure is to kill dreamers. Jesus is the hope! That's why you should dream big dreams! It was really funny when Banning said, "We're not that big. God is bigger and whatever our decisions are, it's not going to change (alter) His plan for us" Amen?? Banning then told us a story about a guy who was on a conference call with a lady who had a very bad back pain. He kept debating whether or not he should pray for her because he was afraid of getting fired because of it. In the end he decided to pray for her. There was awkwardness when he asked but she said ok. Afterwards, he asked her if she felt anything and there was this awkward giggling behind the phonelines. Uh oh right? Then the lady said that she feels way better! The next day she walked into the doctor's office and said she felt better than ever and they checked her and in the end, they cancelled her surgery. HALLELUJAH!!!! PRAISE GOD!

Then Sharah Pradhan spoke. She started with a very tearful prayer. It was powerful and touching, literally. When she was praying, kneeling down before God, I had this thought. I thought, "I think that I would cry if I ever see God face to face." She talked about the giant killers and it reminded me of what Jack talked about. She prophesized over Che, Gabe, Lou, Jesse, and Janet. Janet was shaking violently on the floor. It was awesomely crazy. She also talked about how we should go into the enemy's camp and take back what is ours along with things that Jack has been saying (1 Samuel 30:6-18). The year of 2008, we should go into the enemy's camp and take back what is ours! David. When he was in trouble, he went to God but when he did that, it wasn't about him, it was all about God's heart. That was something that was so admirable about David. God wants to give you everything. Remember that. It really isn't about your ability to do things, it's about His desire to have you do it.

Many people fear a lot of things for themselves after they die. For us, the biggest fear (should be) that when we finally reach Heaven, we'd have regrets. She then told us a story about a man who got to Heaven and God showed him all the things he's done and then showed him the things that God wanted him to do. It was like a burn, ya know? lol Then the last speaker of the day was Kris Vallotton. The first verse he gave us was Acts 10:3-4. He told us about when he and his wife had financial problems. They wanted to give 1,000 out to this one place, when they got home, they received 15,000 dollars. After, maybe a few days, his wife felt like they should donate another 1,000 to an orphanage I believe. When they got back one day, they received another 15,000 dollars. 30,000 dollars in only a few weeks or so. Whatever he said. haha. He also made a very true point. Would you give something to God that cost you nothing? I'd have to say of course not! He mentioned, "religion is the most evil thing on earth because it brings war." I think I'd have to agree with him on this. "Truth wasn't meant to be showed, it was meant to be experience" something else that is true. Kris is such a varied speaker. The things he says, we can relate to it so easily.

I want to walk across the river of jordan (John 5:1-7, Ezekiel 47:1-12, Daniel 7, Romans 12). The thing about Kris though is that he talks so fast, sometimes you can barely hear what he says. Sad huh? After Kris spoke, his students prophesized over people they saw things in their lives. If we wanted to get prophesized for, we could go downstairs. So Monay and I went and we got prophesized for. The lady said that was I born to be a leader like many have told me before. She also said that I was going to lay things down and establish them for people, to people. Or at least that's what I think she said. I have short (bad) term memory. V______V I usually don't remember things unless they said it in details. So basically vague things don't stick well. And during this conference, Monay and I finally got to see our old friend Kevin and Zach. That night, right before I slept, I got this vision of Kevin. He was playing baseball and when he hit the ball, it went FARRRR. I felt that God was telling me that Kevin will go far to reach God and for God. Also, I saw Kevin leading people, preaching to them about the Father. It will be so impacting. Also, I met a new friend by the name of Angela. We barely talked much during the whole time we sat next to each other, but it was like we were already buddies. Darnit. I should have asked her for her number. We were kind of in a rush. Darn. It's ok. I pray that we'll see each other again! ^___^

January 27th:Today's service. Wow. Seemed so short compared to the notes I took two days before. Well. Before, we have our prayer room time, right? I asked God to show me something. He gave me 1 Chronicles 14 & 1 Corinthians 14 & 15. First Chronicles 14 talks about when David defeated the Philiphians. It just reminded be of Banning's message: to dream big and to not be afraid of being viewed as crazy. As for first Corinthians 14 &15 talks about the gifts of prophecy and tongues, orderly worship, and the resurrection of Christ. Monay got to receive her tongues last night. It was awesome! Thank you Lord! This also reminded me of the messages from the speakers as well. Orderly worship. I didn't know that Jack was going to talk about worship today too. So I just realized that now. haha. During worship I felt like God was taking my hands and was standing right inf ront of me. I felt His love throughout the room, surrounding everyone who WANT it wholeheartedly.

Jack's message. Short, but helpful. (Exodus 19:5-6) At mount sinai. 1. Treasured possession - God paid the price, layed down His only son and signs of wonders for us. He is a jealous God. 2. Kingdon of Priest - our identity. 3. Praise and Worship (Exodus 20:18-21) - Most people want to exchange religion and relationship. God wants relationship over religion. Amen? (John 4:11) God isn't looking for worship, He's looking for worshippers. Where are the worshippers?

"Shut up, Emo!" - Jack
Can Jack be any more Jack? :)
Sorry for the long post!



johnny said...

That's some good wordddd there.
Btw his name is Kris with a K, Kris Vallotton. Anyhow, that's a really good recap of your conference experience. Good stuff.

Cheezy said...

Review time kids. So when's the test? ha..ha...oh bad joke. sorry. Ahaha. thanks for the review. Wow. You either have a superb memory you are a crazy note taker. :P
