Sunday, January 6, 2008

My Protector

Ok. So today, I decided to drive to church by myself. I did so while praying continously during the ride to church. I was so afraid. When I was at home, I looked in the mirror & told myself that this was an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone. So I said to myself, "Ok! I am going to do this! I can do it! It's simple! If Johnny can be so carefree about it, I can be too! Yes! GOD IS ON MY SIDE! AMEN!" Afterwards, I walked out & told my dad that I was going. When I looked outside, he started saying stuff of how I can get home easily because I'm very nerved when I think about U-turns and when you have to wait for cars when you're turn left. (Yes, that one light on Rosemead)

So I kept praying while driving to church. You have nooooo idea how scared I was. But I kept praying, knowing that he WILL protect me! So. I got there in one piece. It was funny cause my dad actually called & asked me if I am there already. He's so awesome. xD I wanted to laugh when he called, but I kept it in until after I hung up with him. It took me three tries to get a decent parking alignment. (so sad) Anyways, when I got to church, I was soooo nervous about something. I realized I was nervous about driving back home. I never practiced going out from church before so I was extremely wrecked. Annie told me to proclaim God's name. So.. during the prayer room, I was praying to God, proclaiming His name & asking Him to bless me & protect me along the way back.

So. After service. I remembered that Alice and I had to work on the calendar. I looked at the clock & saw that it was around 4pm. I decided, instead of staying at church until dark time, why not just go to my house & work on it. So. I asked Alice about it & she asked Sarah. Sarah took a very long time to respond to us, but that's ok. In the end, we decided to go to my house, with me driving her and Monay. Before we left, we were talking to Tiffa about things. We decided to all pray for her and such. God, bless her.

We got in the car, right? I started the car & everything. Then suddenly, Amy got into the car. I was shocked. I thought to myself, (literally) "Oh crap! Now there's gonna be three people!" x_X So I got even more hestitant to driving them to my house. So I thought, let's pray! I turned around & asked Alice to start praying before we go. So we took around 3 minutes to pray and then we were off! It went smoothly! THANK YOU GOD! It was seriously a miracle in a way. To me at least xD

He is my Protector! :) ♥


Anonymous said...

I still remembered VIVIDLY the day I drove myself to places.

>.< keep it in the memory box. treasure it, dear.

good job, God Chick!

johnny said...

"If Johnny can be so carefree about it, I can be too!"

Good job, newbie driver!

Sarah Wang said...

Sorry to take a long time... T___T
I need to be more efficient. Sigh* Lord help me!

Keep driving. You can use it to bless a lot of people! ;)

Love, sala<3