Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I encountered one of my old high school friends earlier today. Somehow we started to talk about the whole christianity thing. He asked me "what do you think is the purpose of all christians?" To be honest, that was a hard question. I was honest and told him that I actually never really put thought into that until now. So as I was thinking about it, I had this feeling he was trying to pry into my personal life. He probably wanted to see if I was really into this "religion." I wasn't intimidated by this at all actually. But the thing that worried me was the fact that I couldn't really put it into a nice flowly sentence. However, at the time, I didn't know he wanted it to be a simple sentence. I gave him this long paragraph (after realizing) for an answer. I was trying to elaborate on what my friend and I thought was a vague answer, to glorify God. Afterwards, he said that it was a noble answer, BUT. But? Soon realized this, I noticed that he got something from the Bible. He was biblical. It was scary. He was pushing it, actually. He kept gushing out all these verses from the bible, unconsciously knowing that it was making this situation a little too far fetched. Everything we were talking about, he went to the Bible, even when I asked him about his personal encounterance with God. I think he must have misunderstood what my point and intentions were. I don't think he got what I was trying to say. My friend was getting irritated with him so we went to go eat. Basically, I told him that there's more to God than just reading and referring back always to the Bible. If I'm making this sound harsh, I didn't mean to. I told him that experiencing God's love is also important, especially when it's just you and Him, one on one. That's one of my pet peeves. When people don't directly answer my question, but answer in a different kind that doesn't really relate to the question, you know? It's very irritating. It's like they're talking about something totally different. But anyways. So we were debating on that (he was actually, I was just trying to make a simple point whereas he was trying to deprive me from reading the Bible ever) for about an hour or so. Around 11:30am, my friend and I decided to eat. So I just left the conversation with him with how it is important to know God's word but also to know first hand His love. Personally. I also told him that each and every one of us encounters God differently so that he shouldn't assume that it's all the same. I mean, it can be, but i.e. speaking in tongue. I don't think everyone has the same tongue, right? *sighh... I don't know... I've been so out of it today too. Then, when I got home earlier and looked at my facebook, I saw that he messaged me. In his message, he said that he was sorry for how he was acting and if he offended me in any way. I kind of laughed a little when I read that part because he didn't offend me at all. In fact, I was pretty impressed by his little display of affection for his relationship with God. Aren't you? He made me realize how much I do love people. I could say from time to time that I hate them, but really, they can be fascinating. Just the little things they say, do, and don't do. x) Hm.. ha.


Cheezy said...

HAHA! Wow! Conversations like this drives me nuts! I would be talking about Jesus with my non-christian friends online it it just goes over the TOP! HAHA! I know what you mean. It really makes you step back a little and think about EVERYTHING. Sometimes I get cocky, i think i got it all down, and then i step out and...retreat. A really humbling experience for me and makes me reanalyze my OWN relationship with the Almighty God. We're all growing and learning! Lets do this together JASMINE! Love ya!


Alice in Wonderland said...

that's pretty scary, he kept throwing Bible verses at you to prove his point? But like you said, encountering God is also very important. We can't understand God with our feeble human minds, nor can we try to interpret the Bible in our own way. Only the Holy Spirit can lead us to the truth. On the other hand, all of us need to dig deep into the Word of God, so we can be equipped in battle. Keep him in your prayers Jas :)