Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Harry Potter Moment

Remember in one of the Harry Potter movies where someone tried to fix Harry's arm when it got broken from his game, but failed? ..and his arm became all bendable because it had no bones? Well... it's ok if you don't remember. It felt like a dream, but I doubt that it was. Haha. I woke up and somewhat knew that my right arm was super numb from weirdly sleeping on it. However, what I didn't know was that it was morbidly, horridly, and disturbingly (I know they're all nearly the same kind of words haha) numb.

def. of morbid -
suggesting an unhealthy mental state or attitude; unwholesomely gloomy, sensitive, extreme, etc.
def. of horrid - extremely unpleasant or disagreeable
def. of disturbing - upsetting or disquieting; dismaying
fyi if you didnt know what these words meant.

Anyways, I even felt it even more so in my heart. I tried to turn to my other side. Tried moving my arm with me and it landed on the bed with a thump. That's when I really woke up. This happened around 7 something this morning. I tried to lift up my arm so it could stand vertically in front of me. It was somewhat hard to do. As it was slowly being lifted up, it seriously felt like the radius and the ulna bone of my right forearm didn't even exist. I wanted to see if my mind was playing tricks on me so I decided to test it out. I moved my forearm from side to side and it scared me. My mind wasn't playing tricks on me. It really did seem like I had no radius or ulna bone in my forearm. I immediately dropped my arm down onto my bed vertically from my eye viewpoint. A minute later, I lifted it back up and decided to put pressure on a certain area of my forearm. I put pressure at the area probably short of where the elbow is (so maybe 3 cm from the elbow) and on the radius part of my forearm. I left it there still pushing pressure onto it for about a minute and finally started getting my feeling back.

it scared me.
hope you guys know what im talking about (about the arm stuff). if not, the forearm is the side of your arm that is closest to your hand, radius bone connects on the thumb side of your forearm, and the ulna bone connects on the opposite side of your thumb all the way to your elbow.
what did this mean?

1 comment:

johnny said...

It usually happens to my leg. Hard to even stand up or do ANYTHING. Being physically numb really prevents us from doing many things, don't even mention about spiritual numbness. shabam.