Monday, January 12, 2009

Broken Walls

For Christmas, Kate gave me this Year round prayer book from Costco; probably. Well, today was the first day of school for winter intercession. I got to finally hang out with our own Jennifer for the first time since she started PCC. We talked a lot today about certain issues - not going to say though. Now that I'm home though, I decided to open up the book Kate gave me; open it up randomly, like choosing a card from a deck of 50 when it's laid out in front of you. There was one thing that got my attention and that was the date of it which is something personal to me so I won't talk about that. However, as I read on, I totally felt that this was pointing straight at what Jen and I talked about - maybe.

"The Freedom of Christ is worth the surrender of absolutely anything. Relief, not remorse, waits the repentant."

The Daily Prayer:
"Father, Your Word says that a person who lacks self-control is like a city whose walls are broken down (Prov. 25:28). Sometimes I feel like there is so much rubble, I can't rebuild the wall (Neh. 4:10). But Your Word claims that You are the Repairer of Broken Walls, and the Restorer of Streets with Dwellings (Isa. 58:12). Please introduce Yourself to me by these wonderful names and rebuild the rubble in my life. I confess to You that I am overwhelmed by the task ahead, I am thankful that You have authority over all things. Heaven is Your throne; earth is Your footstool (Matt. 5:35). Therefore, anything over my head is under Your feet!"

♥ J.P.

1 comment:

Cheezy said...

it is so not a coincidence. that post sent ripples of shock down my spine the first time i read it. thank you so much jasmine. you are such a precious friend to me. love you. <3