Sunday, November 16, 2008

such anointing!

I came to church not expecting such anointing that came down today during worship and service.
Well, yesterday, for cell group, stephanie, alice, and i talked about what we'd want to do for God and alice and i said we wanted to help the homeless, the children, and such, and today, peter's uncle, paul was talking about our calling. stephanie and i were like, "whoa" haha. it was a good service, i'd say. now, after the service, paul said that if we wanted to know what our calling was (prayer by him, karen [i think thats her name], allan, and two others) then come on up to the front. so a bunch of us went to the front. i stood there, waiting for my turn.

i got prayed for four times.

1. karen prayed for me first. she was spot on. she said a command to rebuke the anger from me and my family and that i be used as a vessel to bring peace to the family and help them turn their hearts back to Jesus Christ. i've been praying about that this past two months so i started to cry and started to pray in tongues as well as in words. i think she also said something about public speaking.

2. then paul prayed for me. i was already praying to God silently. my right hand was halfway out in front of my right side of my body. paul touched my hand and i guess he saw something. he then asked me my name and i told him. he then prayed to our Father. he prayed that double of his anointing would fall onto me to help me better understand scriptures (the Bible) and have more revelations and visions. i got pretty excited because yesterday i think i told stephanie and alice that i wanted to have more visions and revelations because i haven't had one in so long. then he moved on.

3. i dont know his name x_x but this younger guy prayed for me. he prayed about communications, education, and doing what God has put inside of me for Him and because i'm good at it. the first thing i thought about was writing, haha. he then asked to have fire come down on me, more and more. afterwards he called a girl over to pray in tongues with him, i suppose. it kind of got loud because paul was praying for kay and sarah who were next to me and paul had the mic so i couldn't really hear the guy that well. but after paul finished with kay and sarah, he came back to me.

4. (i didn't realize that everyone else had sat back down and i was the only one who was still standing in the front) paul started feeling around me this sense of burden which i definitely have had at that moment because i wanted to lay my burdens in front of God and paul said, "she has a lot of burdens" and the girl said, "yeah" so paul started asking God again (after he asked me what my name was and i didn't blame him, haha) to free me from my burdens that i had with family and myself. it took a while, at least to me it did, haha. but afterwards, i did feel freer than i have been.

that was srsly some good stuff today. i know that sometimes it can be personal, but for everyone, personal prayers are always what you define it yourself. i'm pretty open so that's why i'm sharing this. paul showed us a lot of verses that said nearly the same thing but they were very powerful. if you want, i think johnny or jennifer or someone else will post about it. if not, i'll do it later.

it was fun.
:S jas


[joy B.] doveseye said...

wow! Praise God,u really recived alot today!!! hooray~~~
one small suggestion..u may wanna make your font bigger or change the background color,,cuz the black background and the tiny white words are making my eyes go blind..seriously..haha
i love u

[joy B.] doveseye said...

much better :)

johnny said...

woah! Jasmine I'm so encouraged by your sharing! I just enjoyed every second of worship. kinda wish someone had prayed for me too...