Sunday, September 14, 2008

what happens in K-mart...

So on saturday, there was only Kay, Alice, and I who attended our usual cell group meeting. This time, it was at my place, but since Alice was really hungry and I didn't have anymore bread, we decided to have city invasion while we go around Albertsons to buy bread. We prayed for a lot of people, randomly too.

When we got to CVS, we were excited because of when Joy, Pastor John, Katherine, and I went last week for CALL OF DUTY CITY INVASION. So we were walking around the Pharmacy area and atlas Alice saw someone who she wanted to pray for; Marsha. Then it was Kay and me left and a woman walked by me who was speaking in vietnamese and Kay asked me if I understood. I said yes, but I was really scared cause my vietnamese was absolutely unstable. However, I went up to her anyway. Her name was Karen and I was just about to pray for her when she got called over to the pharmacists. He was asking her what was going on and she didn't know. Then he asked Kay and me and I told him that we were just asking her if she wants any prayers. Then he told us to come to where he was so we could talk. He was telling me about the code/rule that they have at CVS. He used a word but I forgot what it was. (sorry) Alice soon came over and was listening too. After he told us we said we were sorry and left.

Then.. we headed towards Albertsons to get some bread. I believe that Kay prayed for someone, but I don't remember. So after that, we went to K-mart. We were walking around at first. Then Alice prayed for this hispanic couple, but I don't know what happened there cause I was off praying for her. Then Alice asked me about this name I got when we were praying for this other person in Office Depot named John. The name I got was Sylvia. (Dangit. Should have asked him if his gf's name was Sylvia) So we started calling out Sylvia's name outloud randomly; not to anyone specific. Suddenly, someone magically answered.

"Sylvia!" - all three of us
"I'm right here!" - a girl
(we turn to each other o_O!)
"Let's go" - Kay
(Alice and I start walking over to where the girl was; hesitated a little cause the girl's boyfriend came over)
"Go ask her" - Kay
(Alice walks over to them)
"I'm sorry but this might sound random, but is your name Sylvia?" - Alice
"No my name isn't Sylvia" - the girl

It was crazy! Her boyfriend called her around the same time we called out "Sylvia." How funny.

God is a humorous God, Amen. That's right.

p.s. I'm trying to not say that anything is a coincidence cause it's not.
pp.s. Look on Alice's blog for more information on this.


1 comment:

[joy B.] doveseye said...

i had a co-worker from my last job named sylvia.