Monday, February 11, 2008


Yesterday, before I went to church, my dad asked me if I had brought money with me. I really never considered bringing money to church anymore because I usually don't spend it. But that day, I decided to just take some money from my wallet ($5) and bring it with me. So before the sermon, Annie was talking about the whole consistancy of offering however much money to the church every week and how we were honoring those who have been doing that. It was crazy cause I actually brought money and I can contribute money. So after the sermon and everything, I went to contribute money into the box. I wasn't being forced to or anything and it wasn't the whole thought of getting more out of it (like anticipating something in return), I actually wanted to contribute to our financial needs as a church and I'm offering (basically) my earned profits to God to help us with what His heart desires; to grow as His bride. Well... when I got home, my dad told me that my uncle and aunt gave me money for Chinese New Years since I wasn't home and all. My uncle, well mostly his wife, gave me five dollars (not a lot but I was grateful; same amount I contributed too) and my other aunt gave me $100 dollars. YAY. I didn't expect it at all. I actually thought that she'd forgotten about me. (haha sort of) Then when my mom came home, she gave me double the money I contributed. I believe around 20 - 30 dollars worth; I think 20 dollars. This could be something to keep me in tact and keep me practicing for other things to come, like practicing to pray everyday or to read the Bible everyday. ^_____^ Thank you God for Your providance!


Go to doushite. that's where my blog is. ^^ YOU CAN COMMENT TOO. please do. haha :)


Alice in Wonderland said...

WOW! AWESOME!! *ka-ching! Haha

Our Daddy in Heaven is abundant in all the riches of the world! We praise You Lord!!

Eric said...

the way you wrote the last few chapters is very interesting. such a long story. i think you can use many ways to combine many of the chapters together with not only flashbacks but with connoted dialogue. anyhow. great story. don't know if this is your first but would totally want to read more. so korean drama-ish.

johnny said...

hmm...i want chinese new year thingy too! wait.....You're not Chinese!!! what the...

Sarah Wang said...

Cha-Ching!!! Din Din Din!!
Just like what Kong Hee said, "I have a very rich father."

nice background! :)

<3 ya!

crystal said...

hehe good karma, goodness comes to those who give? :P

the Invaders said...

nice...good God

Anonymous said...

wow.... speechless i am...

praise God !!!!
