Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Your Comments

I just noticed how much people's comments entertain my day. Each and every one of the comments I read, whether it was for me or for someone else's, it was either inspiring, hilarious, encouraging, and or random. It's those simple things that can make you happy in life even if you have had a horrible day. It's only about 6:18am right now and so far, I'm having a great day. (Thanks to Jennifer & Jack's comments). They are awesome. Also, it's for Jack's comment that I found out that October 15th was their 001 year anniversary. Radical! :) I wish them the best of luck, forever.

With love,


Cheezy said...

When i read this post, it made me giggle...It was really creepy. Not because the post was creepy but because i'm creepy. D8 It was really sweet and made me very happy and giddy. :rolls on the ground: I'm glad our comments can make your day and quite frankly, this post made mine. Love ya and God bless you!


the Invaders said...

i see my name...

Anonymous said...

yup. all your comments have made my day also...

writing. music. a new song.